The first tale from the interactive story project. A little horror yarn. Read it at night with most of the lights off.

The Other

By William DeGeest

Title by Lee Joyner

Roger’s mind was buzzing. He hadn’t planned for this at all and was a bit nervous as to what Susan’s reaction would be. This was a rare spur of the moment for him, most of his life was lived by a rigid code of measured and thought out actions. As he sat in his car on the street in front of her house, he expressed his tension and anxiety by rubbing his hand on his jeans.

She will be surprised,  he thought to himself, and don’t they always say women like spontaneity? This will go well, I know it. I hope so.

He was chewing on the nail of his right pinky finger when he saw the headlights of Susan’s car in his rear-view mirror. Sliding down the seat so she couldn’t see him, he said a silent prayer that this would go okay. The car pulled in to the drive way and Roger pushed himself up to see her. God, she is so beautiful. His heart rate increased and he could feel the blush starting on his face.  She made her way to the front door when he saw it.