Squirt gun full of poison

Category: Drawings Page 1 of 3

Owlbear Drawing

Still have a bunch of the quick sketches to post but here is a little more polished drawing. Also the WIP sketch and side by side with the Hasbro Dungeons and Dragons toy that was used as reference.

Sketch Dump Part One

For the last few weeks I’ve been trying to do at least one sketch a day. Been trying to stick to five to twenty five-ish minutes per drawing but occasionally go a bit longer. For most of them I’ve been using a toy that I own for reference using a regular mechanical pencil or felt tip pen. I’ll break it up into several post so as to not overload one page. And I’ll put them up in the order I did them. Given my time limitations these are obviously not finished works but I’m encouraged to do some stuff with a bit more polish. Thanks for checking them out. If you are interested in what specific figures I used head over to my Instagram page. https://www.instagram.com/william_degeest/

Inktober 2019: Day 29

Drawing number 21. “Pachyderm”

Inktober 2019: Day 23 Drawing 20

“The Red Death”

Used a Four Horsemen Studios Mythic Legions wave 2 skeleton as a reference.

Inktober 2019: Day Twenty three

Day 23. Drawing 19.

Inktober 2019: Day Twenty two

Tried to do some catching up today. Still plan on having 31 drawings done by the end of the month, even if they are 5-10 minute ones like these. The last one is based off a 19th century dentist training tool.

Inktober 2016: Day Sixteen

Skipped a couple of days (obviously) and here we are at day 16. Earlier today I was watching a live video from https://nautiluslive.org/ of a whale fall being consumed and did this based off a screen capture.

Inktober 2019: Day Thirteen

With INKredible Inktober done and with me still not feeling well, I was going to take today off. But then I went to Inktober.com, saw their prompt for today was “Ash” and decided to do a quick Ash Williams from the Evil Dead franchise. Boomstick, baby.

Inktober 2019: Day Twelve

Last prompt (number 11) for INKredible Inktober: “Spider Gently Spinning.” Feeling a bit/whole bunch under the weather today so did this one pretty quick. Not sure if I will go with prompts from elsewhere for the rest of the month or do my own thing. Probably a combo.

Inktober 2019: Day Eleven

“ORCHARD HARVEST.” Prompt number 10 for INKredible Inktober.

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