Squirt gun full of poison

Category: DeGeest Related

The DeGeest Manuscript: Hortus Amoenissimus

DeGeest Manuscript.d4155782x

From the Aboca Museum: “Hortus amoenissimus… by Franciscus de Geest, a famous seventeenth-century Baroque painter from Holland (1638-1699), is a fascinating anthology of plants. De Geest, who had become famous for painting portraits and still-lifes, also enthusiastically devoted himself to the illustration of flowers, which resulted in this splendid manuscript anthology of plants.”

Also check out this YouTube video (not all of it is in English): Aboca Museum – Hortus amoenissimus… di Fransiscus de Geest

van Gogh’s The Bakery in de Geest

The Bakery in de Geest.  Picture from WikiArt.org

The Bakery in de Geest. Picture from WikiArt.org

Sketched by Vincent van Gogh in Geesteren, Netherlands 1882.  Charcoal and pencil on vellum.

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